Friday, May 30, 2008

And another one bites the dust...

Well, my gallbladder removal went relatively well. Actually it was a piece of cake compared to some of the other things I've been through. It's not something I would count as pleasant....any surgery has it's downfalls no matter how great the eventual outcome makes you feel. I do wonder, however, how many organs can you live without. I've had my spleen removed, which you can live without and now my galbladder. I know you can live without your appendix, tonsils, sinuses, adnoids, and most can live with out one of the their kidneys. I'm sure there are other organs I'm forgetting to include in this list....but a part of me wanted to tell the surgeon..."just go ahead, take out anything else that I can live without" cause each time they open me's 2-6 weeks of my life I lose just sitting in front of the TV "healing". I am honestly tired of feeling poorly. I don't think anyone really realizes on a day to day basis, how badly I've felt. I conceal it pretty well, I put on my happy face and do the best I can. Something tells me my medical troubles are not over. Usually I am an optomist. I hope that everything is "cool" now and I will be feeling much better...but I do have this gut feeling that it's not over yet. Or that could be the incisions in my gut talking right now....or the drugs....who knows....only time will tell. Well for the time being I have 4 new really cool scars, my brother Scott is going to love it!

Monday, May 5, 2008

My 30th Birthday!....The choice

Okay, so I turned 30 on April 28. We went out to dinner to the Olive Garden on that night...yum....and then my husband threw me a big party this past weekend. We rented a house at Sandbridge Beach and invited family and friends (Adults only) on Friday night for food and drinks and a DJ/Karaoke. It was a ton of fun, but later that night, or early Saturday morning I should say, it hit me......I'M 30! It was 2:30 am and instead of partying til dawn, or being passed out, I was wide awake cleaning up. Go figure? My realization was confirmed by the fact that spending time with my family, the rest of the weekend, was much more precious to me than a night of partying. But in all honesty, I am not as freaked out about my 30's as I thought I was going to be. I had some great times in my 20's, like meeting and marrying my husband, and giving birth to my two children, things I would never trade for anything in the world. BUT there were times that were tough on me medically, and therefore tough mentally also. Feeling physically weak, and physically awful can take a toll on you mentally. So I am thinking my 30's should be a breeze. And as a wise friend said to me..."you have a can get another year older, or you can die." Okay....well....that choice is so simple. Live until my time is up and let the numbers be numbers. My family, they are my life....and totally worth many more years!